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Powerlifting in Austin, Texas at Raw Power Gym

You don’t have to be a competing powerlifter to attain many great benefits from powerlifting workouts.  Anyone who wants to improve their health and athleticism can benefit from powerlifting. That’s correct, even the average person simply seeking to improve the quality of their day-to-day life can and will benefit from powerlifting exercises.

Powerlifting in Austin, Texas at Raw Power Gym

You don’t have to be a competing powerlifter to attain many great benefits from powerlifting workouts.  Anyone who wants to improve their health and athleticism can benefit from powerlifting. That’s correct, even the average person simply seeking to improve the quality of their day-to-day life can and will benefit from powerlifting exercises.

What is Powerlifting?

Different from bodybuilding, which focuses on the quest of a particular physique, powerlifting is a sport of achieving as much raw strength as is humanly possible. 

Powerlifting usually centers on 3  simple exercises—the deadlift, bench press, and squat—with the intent to master every single aspect of them, as  strength is as much a skill as a measurable benchmark. The goal in powerlifting, from an exercise science context, is to produce the maximum amount of muscular force for each of the given movements.  In powerlifting competitions, a pass-fail score of the execution for each movement or lift is assigned by 3 judges.  At least 2 judges are needed to rate the lift a “pass” for the effort to count as a successful lift. Scores are calculated as total weight lifted and then the weight lifted in context to your weight.

Hence powerlifting is essentially a strength and conditioning sport comprising  3 exercise maneuvers at maximal load on 3 attempted lifts each: bench press, squat, and deadlift.  By all appearances, powerlifting is straightforward and simple.   However, delve into the sport a little deeper and you’ll learn powerlifters aim to optimize a complex balance of  mental, emotional, and physical fortitude toward daily training.

Similar to Ironman triathletes and marathon runners, powerlifters push themselves to the edge of their own physical ability.    Thus powerlifting is both physically and mentally demanding and extremely taxing.   Every moment in the sport is a struggle involving you and a barbell, locked in a seemingly endless battle against gravity.

Whether you’re training for a competition, or just exploring your limits and trying to get stronger with compound movements (squats, bench presses, and deadlifts),  powerlifting is  a passion for some, an obsession for others. Also be mindful though powerlifting centers on a small handful of movements,  people who powerlift commonly include different variations and accessory exercise work to support their overall strength. So, if you enjoy doing bicep curls, you won’t have to stop bicep curls in your exploration into powerlifting.

Powerlifting  engages your anaerobic energy system and you exert a tremendous amount of energy for a brief moment of time. The benefits of powerlifting far outweigh the actual lifting and can boosting your overall health and wellness and include:

Powerlifting & Mental Health

Powerlifting & Women’s Bodies

Powerlifting & Improvement in Posture

Powerlifting & Fat Loss

Powerlifting & Improved Strength

Powerlifting & Improved Bone Health

Weight-bearing exercises like powerlifting where you battle gravity while staying upright have long been known to foster bone density growth.  Afterall, bone is living tissue that exercise can trigger to grow stronger.  During powerlifting, the tendons and muscles apply tension to the bones, stimulating them to produce more bone tissue and the bones become more dense and stronger.  Research determined higher-intensity powerlifting delivers more benefits than low-intensity lifting in building bone and tissue mass.  Bone loss starts for most of us at age 30 and is a silent condition.  Many of us have no idea we’ve experienced a decline in bone health until one day there is a trip, or fall, and fracture a bone.   This can be countered by powerlifting thereby building bone density through our entire lives.

Powerlifting & Increase in Athletic Ability

Powerlifting & Reduce Lower Back Pain

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(512) 400 – 4299

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